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However, the vast majority of this population is assimilated and anzi che no longer possesses fluency Per the Albanian language, though a vibrant Albanian community maintains its distinct identity Per mezzo di Istanbul to this day.

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A variety of bird species makes the country an attraction for bird watchers. The forests are inhabited by boars and jackals. Barbary macaques are the astro native monkey.

Kurz darauf ist er gekommen und ich merkte das etwas nicht stimmte. Er hielt mich an der Hüfte fest und stieß weiter und ich merkte wie mir etwas an den Schenkeln herunter lief. Panisch sprang ich auf und stellte ihn zur Rede. Er meinte nur das er hoffe das er mich erfolgreich geschwängert habe. Ich schmiss ihn sofort raus und versuchte im Bad sein Sperma aus mir herauszubekommen. Es hat aber nicht geholfen. Meine nächste Periode blieb aus und ein Test zeigte das ich schwanger war.

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Algeria held elections Per mezzo di 1999, considered biased by international observers and most opposition groups[132] which were won by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He worked to restore political stability to the country and announced a "Civil Concord" initiative, approved Per mezzo di a referendum, under which many political prisoners were pardoned, and several thousand members of armed groups were granted exemption from prosecution under a limited amnesty, Per force until 13 January 2000.

The hundred years between 1750 and 1850 were an age of astounding orthographic diversity Con Albania. Con this period, the Albanian language was put to writing Sopra at least ten different alphabets – most certainly a record for European languages. ... the diverse forms Durante which this old Balkan language was recorded, from the earliest documents to the beginning of the twentieth century .

"Wir hoffen zu Jahresende Per mezzo di den Apogeo 100 zu stehen. Nun hat Sania das bereits in nur zwei Monaten geschafft. Wenn sie weiter so hart wie bisher arbeitet, kann sie nun vielleicht sogar heuer noch die Apice 50 knacken."

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Latin /au/ becomes Albanian /a/ in the earliest Bruder Stiefschwester Sex loanwords: aurum → ar 'gold'; gaudium → gaz 'joy'; laurus → lar 'laurel'. Latin /au/ is retained Con later loans, but is altered Per a way similar to Greek: germe 'thing' → kafshë 'thing; beast, brute'; laud → lavd.

However, as Fortson notes, Albanian written works existed before this point; they have simply been lost. The existence of written Albanian is explicitly mentioned Per mezzo di a letter attested from 1332, and the first preserved books, including both those Durante Gheg and Per mezzo di Tosk, share orthographic features that indicate that some form of common literary language had developed.[61]

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